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A Sales Process does not have to be Complicated

Posted 26/10/2013
A Sales Process can simply be an acute awareness of what things need to be covered before the customer has more to loose by not signing the deal than by signing. A beautifully simple one I came across recently in a discussion about coaching is as follows:
A highly qualified potential client is someone that meets the following criteria:
(a) They have one or more pressing problems 
(b) They are aware they have these pressing problems 
(c) We have discussed these problems together in some detail and are both aware of the impacts of the problems continuing to be unresolved 
(d) They know what they stand to gain from the problems being solved 
(e) They are not just 'window shopping for the lowest price
(f) They've got the means to invest in themselves - or if it's a corporate sponsor of coaching for one of their managers or staff, they've got the budget.
"So, is there anything else that we need to discuss that would prevent you saying "yes, let's get started now"?"
This could well be used in other types of business deals as well as it helps the seller focus on adding value.

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